SSR Student Council
Leadership - Developing and promoting leadership abilities
We build students' leadership skills through teamwork and collaboration. We also provide leadership activities during our general council meetings. We discuss leadership and how we can impact the entire Sunset Ridge student body and community through our service.
Diversity - Building awareness, respect, and value for all people
Every year we support different causes that are determined by the student council members.
Academic and Behavior Achievement - Striving for and creating motivation for academic excellence
This committee works on providing awards and recognition for academic achievement across all grade levels.
School and Community Involvement - Building a partnership between the school and the community with service. This committee works to hold various fundraisers that directly impact our school and community.
School Spirit - Creating activities for campus pride and participation
We plan and prepare pep assemblies, school spirit days, and special campus events that promote school pride! Go Hawks!
2022-2023 Theme: To Leadership and Beyond