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Sunset Ridge School

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Sunset Ridge School
Home of the Hawks!



Engage NY

In fifth grade, we use Engage NY/Eureka math curriculum.  There are six modules. Similar to 4th grade, students have a binder with their materials needed.  There will be a pre, mid and post test for each module. Sometimes there will also be topic quizzes.


Each class is 75 minutes and is broken up into the following:

  • About 40 minutes for a whole group lesson (concept of the day)
  • About 35 minutes for   

               -Teacher Time: meet with teacher for review, reinforcement, reteaching and enrichment or

               -Independent Time: Standard-based activities to reinforce skills or

               -Math Fact Time: Fact practice (games, flash cards, etc)


Students could have homework several days a week.  If students complete independent work in class, it will go home and come back the next day to be checked. Students may need more time than given in class and therefore, it will be homework. We will go over the previous night’s math homework each day.  Students will be given time in class to ask their question and have an opportunity to complete their work without penalty. 

Students are expected to complete 5-7 Dreambox lessons weekly. This is checked each Monday morning.

Absences and Missing Work

If a student misses class, the student is responsible for making up the work they missed.  This includes classwork and homework. They should ask their teacher(s) when they return from an absence about what they’ve missed.  Be sure to hand in missing work in a timely manner. Work that is handed in more than one week after an absence will not be accepted.

If the student knows they will be absent (going on vacation, have an appointment, etc.), ask the teacher(s) for the work to be missed ahead of time.  That way they can work on it while they are away, hand it in in a timely manner, and they will be all caught up and ready to go upon returning.

Assignments that are handed in more than two weeks after its due date will not be accepted.


Assignments, Grading and Assessments

Assignments are handed back as soon as they are entered in the grade book.  If a student is not satisfied with the grade they received on an assessment, they may resubmit the assessment to improve their grade.  I will not ask for these retakes, so it is up to the student to be responsible and turn in all previous assignments in order to be able to improve grades. Students will need to complete a STUDENT RETAKE CONTRACT to retake an assessment. It requires corrections on another sheet of paper with a new answer and explanation. Corrections submitted more than one week after the assessment is due will not be accepted.  All retakes will be completed at school only.

 *If test is given online, students will know how to get onto School City to retrieve test questions and complete corrections.

Helpful Links:

All Modules can be found here!

All Fifth Grade Engage NY/Eureka Math Lessons ARE ON YOUTUBE!


To Access Dreambox:

  1. Go to DVUSD Start Page
  2. Click on the DVUSD Portal, there is a button towards the bottom.
  3. Enter username and password, then click login.
  4. Once the portal opens, click on the orange MORE button in the bottom left corner.
  5. Click on the DreamBox button.
  6. A new window should open.  For first timers, there is a video to view.
  7. Then you will see a launchpad with lessons.  Lessons with a blue icon were assigned by me and should be completed FIRST.
  8. Completing lessons will earn more coins. Spend coins in the “My Stuff” store.  Wallpaper, music and avatar items are available for purchase.  Store hours are restricted to after-school and weekend hours.
  9. The goal is for students to complete 5-7 lessons per week.
  10. Students are rewarded for lessons completed at the end of each quarter.


New Link: Math Magician Multiplication

New Link: Math Magician Division

New Link: ABCya Grade 5 Numbers