The following guidelines will help ensure the safety of all. Please discuss these guidelines and emphasize the safety factors with your child. Parents are not permitted through the gates at any point in time.
- The gates to campus will open at 8:30 AM. It is essential that students do not arrive on campus earlier than 8:30 AM. If students arrive early, parents will be notified and reminded of campus hours
- Students may enter campus through any of our gates (Office, Parent drop off gate, Bus gate, Basketball Courts)
- Adult walkers escorting their children may walk students as far as the gates and should not congregate in front of the school. It’s a drop-and-go.
- Parents/Guardians may not drop students off in the parking lot. Please use our drop-off and pick-up lanes if delivering students by vehicle.
- Bus riders will enter through the bus gate and report directly to class.
- Breakfast will be served from 8:30-8:45. Students wanting breakfast will report to the cafeteria beginning at 8:30 AM.
- Cross streets only at crosswalk corners on the way to and from school. Obey all traffic signs and crossing guard’s directions.
- Bikes should be walked on and off the school grounds, placed into the bike racks, and properly locked. Bikes are not allowed in the covered walkways or in the office.
- Students are expected to arrive at school on time. Tardy students cause disruption to the educational rights of other students. Excessive tardies can result in disciplinary action (refer to Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook)
- Students staying for sports events are required to abide by school rules.
PM Dismissal
3:20- Kindergarten and Siblings
- Kindergarten students and siblings who will be picked up with a vehicle or walk home together will be dismissed at 3:20 pm.
- Kindergarten siblings who ride the bus will remain in their classrooms until the final bell.
3:30- All students 1st-8th grade
- Students will be dismissed from classrooms and head straight off campus.
Friday Early Release
1:50- Kindergarten and Siblings
- Kindergarten students and siblings who will be picked up with a vehicle or walk home together will be dismissed at 3:20 pm.
- Kindergarten siblings who ride the bus will remain in their classrooms until the final bell.
2:00- All students 1st-8th grade
- Students will be dismissed from classrooms and head straight off campus.
Parent Pick-up Procedures
To prevent groups of people congregating outside the school gates during dismissal, the following guidelines will be used:
- We ask that parents/guardians who have a vehicle, pick up students using our drive-up lanes (see map).
- Please do not arrive any earlier than five minutes to your assigned drive-up time.
- Kindergarten parent drive-up will use LANE 2- middle lane from 3:20-3:25.
- 1st-8th grade parent drive-up will use LANE 1- curbside. Please do not arrive prior to 3:20.
- 1-8th grade parent drive-up may access LANE 2- middle lane after 3:27.
- Parents without vehicle transportation may greet their student(s) at any point of exit.
Dismissal Expectations
- Students should head directly off campus using their direct route home, no lingering.
- No congregating on campus by students or staff
- No congregating on the outside of gates by parents