About Us
Welcome to the Sunset Ridge PTA!!
The PTA is YOUR voice to help make Sunset Ridge the best possible school for our children. Throughout the year we work hard to help support not only our students but also our incredible staff and teachers. We are truly a team working together to make for a great community.
Your time and talents are our #1 resource as we work to help our children succeed. When you join the Sunset Ridge PTA, you have the right to vote for the policies and important decisions that directly affect our school and our students. You also automatically have memberships in the Arizona PTA and the National PTA organizations. Portions of your dues go directly to both organizations. In belonging to all three organizations, you become a part of the BIGGEST voice in your student's education.
Our goal this year is to have 100% of our teachers, staff and family as members. Once you have signed up for membership, you will receive a membership card and an ID # that will allow you to access discounts as a PTA member. So even if you cannot volunteer or attend meetings, please support the PTA and turn in your membership today.
2022-2023 PTA Board Members
President - Tara Cooke
Vice President - Barara Kettler
Treasurer - Nicole Cafferata
V.P. of Communications - Jackie Gayton
V.P. of Membership - Krystal Colburn
Secretary - Michelle Cole